Lately the days are long, and I mean loooooooooong. With the
COVID-19 and quarantine, we have been looking for fun things to do that are not
technology based. A lot of the school work assigned is on my daughter's Chromebook. We decided to do a fun, simple, pen and paper craft. We
made a bunny hat!

You can go as crazy as you like when coloring. We got a bit creative and added patterns and polka dots to our bunny. My daughter also was super creative and added bangs to the bunny. She cut fringes on a scrap piece of paper and added them to the bunny. Once the bunny is decorated the way you want, cut the bunny out.
There are two parts to the
bunny ears, the large bunny ear is the outside, and the small inside of bunny
ear part layers in front of the larger ear to give it some dimension. You
can glue, staple or tape the bunny parts together, whichever works best for
When you are all done, you have
a fun bunny hat to wear! Or save for a Halloween costume in October.
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